Die Weltgeschichte ist eng mit der Zukunft Israels verbunden!

So heißt es auf dem Klappentext dieses englischsprachigen Buches. Es ist die überarbeitete und erweiterte Ausgabe des in diversen Sprachen übersetzten Buches von Willem Glashouwer, das in Deutsch unter dem Titel “Warum immer wieder Israel?” auf dem Markt ist.

Weiter heißt es:
This important book reveals our point of location on God’s timetable for the endtimes. In addition, it indicates where the Middle East crisis is porbably leading and how it is linked to unfolding biblical porphecy.

The author considers the teaching of the Bible about Israel, the Jewish people, and Gentile believers and what it means for the church. He looks at the concepts of ‘replacement theology, ‘election and ‘covenant and challenges the church to resist anti-Semitism. He gives a picture on where the Middle East crisis may be leading, and how it is linked to unfolding biblical prophecy. The time has come to wake up and realize where we are on Gods timetable world history is intimately tied to the future of Israel.

Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer is the President of Christians for Israel International, an ordained minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, and a former director of the Evangelical Broadcasting Company in the Netherlands. He has played a key role in the establishment of the Dutch Institute for Evangelical Higher Education and has published extensively on Israel and the Christian faith. He and his wife, Marianne, have four children.

Artikelnummer: BE0029WG
Taschenbuch | Juni 2008
141 Seiten | 14,6 x 1,3 x 22,2 cm | 294 g
Destiny Image Europe | ISBN: 9788889127520

Why Israel?

Why Israel?

Understanding Israel and the Church in the Last Days

Artikelnummer: BE0029WG
Taschenbuch | Juni 2008
141 Seiten | 14,6 x 1,3 x 22,2 cm | 294 g
Destiny Image Europe | ISBN: 9788889127520


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